Scientific Name: Caladium Lindenii
Synonyms: Xanthosoma lindenii, Phyllotaenium lindenii, Angel Wings
- Striking stripped foliage
- Large foliage
- Collectors specimen
- Popular Seasonal Houseplant
- Adds Colour Contrast to any Indoor Decor
A strikingly rare native of Columbia, Caladium Lindenii is distinguished by its large, arrow-shaped emerald-green leaves with distinct white to cream-colored veins. This leather-leafed beauty, which collectors commonly refer to as "Angel Wings," matures to a height of 1 to 2 meters. When young, it is perfect as a tabletop feature before developing into a floor-level masterpiece.
For Caladium lindenii to flourish during their "waking months," they required high humidity, warmth, evenly moist potting soil, and bright, filtered light. This is crucial to make sure the plant stores enough energy to withstand Winter and to give the corm the best possible chance to store energy.
Caladiums are corm-based and deciduous plants, so they lose their leaves and go dormant in the winter when the temperature is a little lower than usual. This is a crucial time in a plant's life cycle because it allows the plant to store energy and get ready for the following spring, when the leaves should expand a little more than they did the previous year. The soil should be allowed to dry out during this time, but not completely dehydrated. Watering the "empty" pot is advised once every three weeks or whenever the potting soil becomes dry, up until new growth appears.
Pair this stunner with any striking of your choice, and allow this wonderous tabletop beauty to shine among your other foliage plants.
Follow these care instructions to keep your Caladium happy and healthy.
Water: Keep soil evenly moist, but not saturated, so ensure that the drainage is good or yellowing of leaves may occur. In Winter the foliage may be gone, water 'Empty Pot' once the soil dries out. Start watering more regularly when new leaves appear in Spring.
Light: Bright, indirect light, keep away from direct sunlight or colour will fade.
Humidity: Enjoys a humid environment and good airflow. Normal room humidity should be fine but will enjoy a bright bathroom, regular spritzing or a Pebble Tray.
Fertilize: Diluted balanced every two weeks, Spring to Autumn. No need to feed in Winter.
Please note that Caladiums can be tricky to send. If the plant arrives with you a little "battered", please know that it will perk up with fresh foliage that will be acclimatized to your environment, in no time.